Medical Professionals


Safety & Quality

Best Practice Resources

Smile Train partners must meet extremely high standards of cleft care. Our document and video library of Best Practice Resources can help you provide the safest, highest quality cleft surgery and comprehensive care services.

Smile Train Express

This free, secure, web-based patient database is accessible to Smile Train partners and available in seven languages. It currently hosts more than one million patient surgery records and thousands of nutrition, speech, and orthodontic patient records. The system empowers Smile Train partners to organize their comprehensive care services and research trends in their patient populations.

Education & Training

Virtual Surgery Simulator

Partnering with BioDigital Inc., we have created the world's first web-based, free, comprehensive cleft simulator representing the next step in the evolution of cleft training. While its content is primarily targeted towards surgeons, the anatomy sections also offer dynamic training for cleft speech therapists, dentists, and orthodontists.

Training Programs

As the global leader in cleft care, we are constantly developing and sharing a range of clinical training programs on comprehensive cleft care, surgery, anesthesia, and nursing.  Our goal is to leverage technology to make them widely accessible and readily available for local implementation.

Comprehensive Support

Grant Programs

Financial grants are available to support Smile Train partners in the areas of Education and Training, Cleft Awareness, Comprehensive Care, Medical Equipment, and more.

Mobile Speech Services

Smile Train has developed a free, interactive speech services app with stories, games, and songs for children with clefts. This fun, convenient  app encourages children to practice more often, for better speech outcomes. Available for free in English, Spanish, and Filipino in Google Play and Apple App Store.

Patient & Family Resources

We can help patients and their families learn about comprehensive cleft care needs.